
Showing posts from June, 2018


19/06/2018 3. INTRODUCTION OF MAIN CHARACTERS : 1 & 2. 1. RAMA :- In the history of the nations of the world, there has been no sovereign, so noble, majestic, kind and illustrious like Rama. Apart from the attributes that he possessed, it was Rama who conquered with the consent of the people, entire South India and conquered Ceylon, defeating the mighty King Ravana and annexed Burma, Siam, Java, Sumatra and the Bali Islands. At all these places, he appointed Viceroys and he became the King Emperor of greater and united India. Rama gave us the gift of the Rich Soil whereon we live. Five hundred years later, Krishna gave us the philosophy of life. Rama was the ideal king emperor of India like whom none has since appeared (except after several years in a lesser degree, Asoka, who was perhaps the last Emperor of greater and united India). The people of India have not seen such happy days as they enjoyed in the time of Rama. This fact alone entitles Rama to the unstained al...