Vedantic significance in Ramayanam - 1. Swami Chinmayananda
16/11/2018 1. In Ayodhya, ( yudhdha means conflict, Ayodhya means where there is no conflict ) to the king Dasharatha ( = one who has conquered all the ten indriyaas ) was born the Supreme Lord, Sri Rama (= 'That One' who is revelling in every form - ' sarve ramanti yasmin iti Ramaah ' ) as a baby. Rama grows up in Ayodhya (without any conflicts ) and then goes out of Ayodhya with sage Vishwamitra to protect the yajnas Rama gets married to Sita. Janaka is her father. Janaka found her while ploughing the mother earth, most improbable place to come out from. Ultimately, she goes back to mother earth. So here is someone who came from no-cause and goes back to no-cause, and this is called, in vedaanta, as ' Maaya '. Thus Rama, the Atman, the Self, gets wedded to Maaya.Once ' Self ' gets wedded to Maya, the Ego, ' I ' can not remain in Ayodhya. Conflict must necessarily start. Thus he goes to jungle with Sita. Jungle means the forest ...