THEN Sugriva heard the story of the
calamity that had befallen the Raghu
princes at Panchavati and how Rama's
heart was breaking with the ache of
separation from Sita and anxiety as to her
fate. Deeply touched, Sugriva tried to
console Rama. "I have heard everything
from Lakshmana," he said. "Lay aside all
doubts and fears. We shall surely discover
Sita, wherever she may be concealed, and
that, soon. My companions and myself
noticed a Rakshasa carrying a weeping
lady and speeding fast across the sky. She
was crying 'O Rama! O Lakshmana!' She
too noticed us and, removing her sash,
tied up in it her jewels and threw down the
little bundle. We picked up and have kept
it. See if the jewels are Sita's."
On hearing this Rama excitedly
shouted: "Fetch the bundle, fetch it."

They brought it from the cave and
when Rama saw the sash he was beside
himself with grief. The little bundle
brought before his eyes the suffering of
Sita at the hands of the Rakshasa.

He closed his eyes and told Lakshmana
to untie the bundle and examine the jewels
since he himself could not bear to look at

Lakshmana did so. "Indeed these are
Sita's anklets," LakShmana said. "There is
no doubt they are hers. These I know, for
often have I seen them while laying my
head on her feet in worship. The others I
am not familiar with, never having
presumed to look closely at them."

How full of loving reverence is this
speech which Valmiki puts in the mouth
of Lakshmana and how cruelly must Sita's
unjust words have pierced his heart on the
fateful day when she drove him from her.
Rama took all the jewels in his hands
and pressed them one by one to his eyes.
He said: "They must have fallen on the
soft grass and so they are intact."

Then, grief giving place to rage, he
said: "Yama's gates are wide open to
receive the Rakshasa. Soon will he be
destroyed with all his people."

Seeing Rama's grief and wrath, Sugriva
became somewhat anxious. Though their
mutual friendship and help had been
pledged in the presence of the sacred fire,
Sugriva was concerned over the question
of priorities.

Sugriva's heart went to Rama in his
suffering, indeed, he himself knew what it
was to lose kingdom and wife. But then,
first thing must come first. He must
approach the subject guardedly and not
seem to place his own affairs before
Rama's. That might jeopardise their
newborn friendship. But it was not purely
selfish to say that he, as King of
Kishkindha and lord of his tribe, would be
a far more serviceable ally than he could
be as a fugitive pretender.

Besides, if he launched on the
enterprise of reclaiming Sita when Vali
was still king of the Vanaras, one could
not guess what Vali's course may be. Oh
no! There could be no doubt that the first
move in the enterprise must be to secure
the resources of the Vanara kingdom by
killing Vali and placing himself on the

This alone would bring success to
Rama as well as himself. But realising
Rama's state of mind, he resolved to act
with circumspection.

He said: "I do not know the strength or
the dwelling place of this wicked
Rakshasa. We do not know where he has
taken Sita and where he keeps her hidden.

Still, I promise you solemnly, wherever
Sita may be, I shall find her and her captor
and find ways of destroying him and
recovering her. You will kill the wicked
Rakshasa and win glory. Do not despair or
yield to grief that weakens the spirit. Look
at me. Like you, I have lost my wife. I
have been turned out of my kingdom and
disgraced. And yet I control my sorrow
and keep my courage up. If I a Vanara,
can do this, it should be far easier for you.
If sorrow overwhelms, one becomes
helpless and can do nothing. Therefore,
friend, I beg of you to control your grief."

These words of Sugriva made an
impression on Rama's heart. He wiped the
tears off his eyes and embraced Sugriva.
He got over the weakness that possessed
him at the sight of Sita's jewels and
recovered his fortitude and self-control.

"Sugriva, your friendship is dear to
me," he said. "I shall follow your advice.
Think out when and how we should begin
the search for Sita. I shall make your
cause mine, and place you on the throne
of Kishkindha and I, who say this, have
never uttered a vain or false word in my
life and never will. Tell me frankly how I
can bring you relief. I shall do it."

Sugriva and his ministers were
overjoyed to hear Rama's words. They
were convinced that soon their troubles
would end and Sugriva would once again
become king of the Vanaras.




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