RAVANA as duly informed that
Rama's Vanara host surrounded Lanka
like a tumultuous sea. In an angry mood
he went up the tower of his mansion and
surveyed the scene. On every side he saw
Vanara warriors who had armed
themselves with trees and boulders. He
wondered how he could destroy this vast
invading force.

At the same time, Rama saw the City
of Lanka guarded by the Rakshasas. He
could see with his mind's eye the sad
figure of Sita held captive within those
walls. He ordered an immediate assault.
Shouting: "Victory to the Vanara king!
Victory to Rama and Lakshmana! Polish
off the Rakshasas," the Vanara army
rushed on the doomed city. Some hurled
big boulders against the fortress wall and
on the city gates. Others armed with huge
trees torn up by the roots rushed on the

Then Ravana sent forth a big army. He
commanded it to go out and slay at once
all the Vanaras. They beat their drums and
blew their trumpets till the sky resounded.
They fell upon the Vanaras. The Vanaras
used boulders and trees and their own
nails and fists to oppose the Rakshasas.
Thousands fell dead on either side. The
field was covered with blood and mangled

Besides this gruesome engagement,
there were many duels between individual
warriors. Angada encountered Indrajit like
Rudra against Yama. There was a duel
between the Rakshasa Prajangha and
Sampati, one of the companions of
Vibhishana. Hanuman fought a duel with
Jambumali, Nila with Nikumbha,
Lakshmana with Viroopaksha, and so on.

The chariot and horses of Indrajit were
destroyed and Angada received a blow
from the mace of Indrajit. Jambumali hit
Hanuman with his weapon and Hanuman
smashed his chariot to pieces. The
Rakshasas concentrated their attack on
Rama, and fell in thousands under his

Vidyunmali aimed his darts at Sushena.
The latter smashed with a rock the chariot
of the Rakshasa. Vidyunmali jumped out
with his mace and attacked Sushena who
crushed him to death with a rock. In this
way many warriors fought and many died.
The battle raged throughout the day.

And at night the Rakshasas would not stop
fighting. The battle became fierce. Blood
flowed in streams. There was terrible
slaughter on both sides. Angada attacked
Indrajit, slew his horses and charioteer
and smashed the chariot. The Vanaras
admired the skill and strength of their
prince and raised shouts of joy.

All the warriors in the army praised the
Vanara prince's prowess. Indrajit lost his
temper along with his chariot and resorted
to sorcery. Making himself invisible he
aimed many darts at Rama and
Lakshmana who were greatly harassed at
this attack from a foe whose whereabouts
no one could discover and who seemed to
shower deadly missiles from all sides.

Then Indrajit shot serpent darts at
Rama and Lakshmana. Bound by them,
they could not move and lay helpless on
the battlefield. They looked at one
another, wondering what to do.
Lakshmana's grief at Rama's plight was
great. As for the Vanaras they stood round
in mournful bewilderment.

Indrajit congratulated the Rakshasa
army and returned to the city. Exulting in
his victory, he went to his father and
announced that the story of Rama and
Lakshmana was over. Ravana was beside
himself with joy. He embraced his son
and praised his prowess.

The Vanara warriors wounded and
downcast, seeing Rama and Lakshmana
laid low, concluded that all was over.
Vibhishana, who saw Sugriva standing
helpless and forlorn, put courage in the
Vanara king. "It is foolish to lose hope,"
he said. "Look at Rama and Lakshmana.
Their faces are still bright. They are not
dead. Be not afraid. Soon they will
recover from this swoon and resume

The chief took heart and did everything
to save the army from panic. The ranks
were reformed with their respective
chiefs. Meanwhile Ravana had it
proclaimed in Lanka that Rama and
Lakshmana had been slain by Indrajit. He
sent for his women and said to them: "Go
at once and inform Sita that Rama is no
more; that the two princes lie dead on the
battlefield and the Vanara army is
destroyed. Also, to convince her finally,
take her in the Pushpaka Vimana and
show her the battlefield from above. Let
the obstinate one see for herself what has
happened. Seeing that she has now no one
to look to besides myself, she will turn to

The Rakshasis did as they were told.
From the Vimana Sita saw the field of
battle. She saw Rama and Lakshmana
lying motionless on the ground with their
weapons scattered by their side. She was
filled with grief. She thought that it was
now all over and cried: "To this end has
fate brought me, giving the lie to the
predictions of saints and astrologers that I
would live as a happy wife and mother
and a glorious queen. Poor Kausalya!
Who shall console you now. Like one
who, having, crossed the ocean, gets
drowned in a little pond, these warriors,
who had done so much, lie dead now. Oh
princes! How did your divine weapons
fail you. Alas, all-powerful is destiny!"
When Sita was thus in the desperation
of utter sorrow, Trijata, her Rakshasi
companion, who was looking closely at
the motionless figures of the princes,
suddenly burst out: "Dear Sita, there is no
cause for grief. Neither your husband nor
Lakshmana is dead. Look at their faces. Is
this how the dead look? They are bound
by a charmed weapon and are
unconscious for a while. Look at the
orderly array of the army. Have courage.
Be not frightened." Her words fell like
nectar in Sita's ears. The Vimana returned
to Lanka and Sita was taken back to the
Asoka Vana.

In time the force of the arrows charged
with sorcery weakened. Rama opened his
eyes and sat up. Though sorely wounded,
he recovered his strength by an exercise of
will power and sat up. He looked at his
brother lying on the ground and cried out:

"Alas! What is the use of victory now for
me? Why did I bring you, dear brother,
with me to the forest and get you killed
like this? How can I return without you to
Ayodhya? You used ever to console me in
my sorrow. You are silent now when I
face the greatest sorrow. How can I
survive you? Where in the world is a
warrior like you? One can replace
anything lost, but where can I find anyone
to fill your place? Like Kartaviryarjuna
with his thousand hands, you with your
two hands discharged showers of arrows
and slew the Rakshasas. How could death
come to you? You came with me into the
forest, and now I shall repay my debt to
you by joining with you to the abode of
Yama. I confess defeat. The word I gave
to Vibhishana cannot be fulfilled. Oh
Vanara king! Return to Kishkindha with
all your warriors. You have worked hard
for me. You have fulfilled all the duties of
friendship. You have my gratitude. But
there is no use in more of you dying. Go
back to your city. Let me perish here."

Thus did Rama lament in helpless grief.
Then Vibhishana arrived there, mace in
hand. Seeing his huge dark form, the
Vanaras imagined it was Indrajit again
and started to fly.

In another part of the battlefield
Sugriva and Angada were discussing.
"Why are the Vanaras thus beginning to
scatter in fear? What has happened?"
asked Sugriva.

Angada answered, "Do you not know
that Rama and Lakshmana are lying

Sugriva said: "It is not that. Look at the
way they are running helter-skelter. There
must be some other reason for it."

Then he learnt that the Vanaras, who
had suffered at the hands of Indrajit,
mistook Vibhishana for him and were
frightened. He sent Jambavan to rally the
troops by disabusing them of this fear.

Vibhishana looked at Rama and
Lakshmana. When he saw them wounded,
covered with arrows all over, and unable
to fight, he broke down crying: "It is all
over. What more is there to do?"

Sugriva turned to Sushena, his uncle,
and said: "Take Rama and Lakshmana to
Kishkindha. I shall kill Ravana, redeem
Sita, and bring her there."

Sushena answered: "There are herbs
which can heal the wounds of the princes
and restore them to health. Some of us
know where these herbs are to be found.
Here is Hanuman. If you send him, he will
fetch the herbs."

As they were speaking, the sea and air
were churned up by a mighty wind and
the great bird Garuda burst into view.

When Garuda arrived, the serpent darts
that covered Rama and Lakshmana
disappeared instantaneously. They were
all venomous serpents which had become
arrows through the magic of Indrajit and
had bound the princes' bodies.

When their inveterate and dreaded
enemy Garuda appeared, they took flight.
Then Garuda gently stroked the bodies of
Rama and Lakshmana and restored to
them their full strength. The wounds were
all healed and they rose up, stronger and
more radiant than before.

And Rama asked: "Who are you, my
benefactor?" He did not know that he was
Vishnu and Garuda was his own bird on
which he always rode.

Garuda answered, "I am your good
friend, and old companion. Glory is
yours! Let me go now. When the battle is
ended, we shall know each other better."

Saying thus Hamsa bird flew away.
Seeing Rama and Lakshmana fully
recovered and ready for battle, the
Vanaras were enthusiastic once again and
resumed attacking Ravana's fortress.




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