RAVANA from within his palace was
surprised to hear, borne on the wind, the
jubilant acclamations of the Vanaras, who
he thought must then be mourning their
vanquished leaders and slaughtered
comrades. He turned to the Rakshasas
standing beside him and asked: "What has
happened to make the Vanaras so happy?
Something strange must have occurred.
Go and find out what it is."

Some Rakshasas climbed up and
looked over the wall. Returning, they said
to Ravana with fear and trembling: "King!
The Vanara army, led by Sugriva, is
attacking the fortress with spirit. Rama
and Lakshmana are both alive. Like
elephants that have broken their bonds,
Rama and Lakshmana have shaken off the
naga darts with which Indrajit bound them
and have rejoined the army and are raging
about the field like hungry lions. The darts
of Indrajit have proved futile."

Ravana's face fell. He was filled with
anxiety and said: "I marvel at what you
say. No one till now has escaped these
darts. If those weapons were powerless
against these men, we are in deed in

Then with an access of anger, he
shouted: "Listen, Dhumraksha! Why
should I worry when you are here? Get
together all the men you want. Go at once
and destroy these two little men and return

Dhumraksha was indeed happy and
proud to be thus singled out by the king.
He took a party of warriors and, issuing
out of the fort, came into contact with the
group who, under Hanuman, were
attempting to enter the western gate. In
the battle that ensued there was great
slaughter on both sides. In the end
Dhumraksha was slain by Hanuman. A
few Rakshasas escaped into the fortress,
but most of them lay dead without.
News of this discomfiture filled
Ravana with uncontrollable fury. He
hastily summoned Vajradamshtra and
said: "Oh bravest of warriors, go without
delay and destroy these wicked fellows."
Vajradamshtra bowed low before the
king and followed by a mighty army
sallied out of the southern gate and
encountered Angada.

The Rakshasas under the leadership of
Vajradamshtra waged grim battle and
slew countless Vanaras. And yet the
Vanara army stood firm and would not
withdraw. Armed with boulders and trees,
they killed innumerable Rakshasas. On
both sides the fighting was intense. In the
end, Angada and the Rakshasa chief
fought hand to hand for a long while.
Vajradamshtra was slain, gallantly
fighting to the last, and the Rakshasas fled
in confusion. The Vanaras surrounded
Angada and shouted in exultation.
Then Ravana ordered Prahasta: "Send
Akampana and let him have the most
terrible Rakshasas to accompany him. Let
them go and slay Rama, Sugriva and the
Vanara army. None can resist Akampana's
might and skill."

Accordingly, Prahasta sent an army of
Rakshasas under the leadership of
Akampana. True to his name, Akampana
was firm and immovable in battle. He had
chosen his weapons and his warriors
carefully. As he advanced, bad omens met
him. But neither he nor his followers
regarded them. The noise of their
challenge rose above that of the ocean.
A great battle ensued. Blood flowed in
streams. Dust rose and cut off the sun
plunging the earth in portentous gloom.
The slaughter on both sides was
enormous. Kumuda, Nala, Mainda and
Dwivida attacked Akampana who
defended himself with courage.
The battle went against the Vanara
warriors and they were about to take flight
and hope. Akampana sent forth a shower
of arrows at him but Hanuman took no
notice and lifting a huge boulder and
swinging it above his head hurled it at
Akampana. The Rakshasa's darts
intercepted the stone and reduced it to

Then Hanuman grew in size and shone
with blinding brightness like the sun and
uprooting a big tree attacked the Rakshasa
with it and slew him. The Rakshasa army
was smashed like a forest in an earthquake
and the survivors fled in panic from the
fatal field that was strewn thick with the
dead, and spread the dismal news in
Lanka. The Vanaras surrounded Hanuman
and uproariously expressed their

Ravana's spirits fell when he received
the news of Akampana's death but he
found strength in anger and desperation
and began thinking of new plans. He went
round the defences of the city again and
took counsel with Prahasta, the
commander-in chief.

"We must break this Vanara siege. We
should issue at the head of the whole army
and slay the Vanara chiefs. Myself,
Kumbhakarna, yourself, Indrajit or
Nikumbha, one of us five should take up
the responsibility of leading the army out
of the fortress. Are we to be afraid of
monkeys? Why! They used to flee in
terror on merely hearing the roar of a
Rakshasa. They do not know the science
of war. They are unskilled brutes. How
have they managed to stand all our

Prahasta answered humbly: "Things
have happened as we foresaw. We
respectfully submitted long ago that it
would be best to restore Sita and make
peace. But I am bound to obey you. I am
prepared to sacrifice my life, my family,
my all for your sake. I shall lead this
sortie, if such is your pleasure."
A huge army was collected and
everything was got ready for a supreme
endeavor, including the solemnisation of
special rites and sacrifices.
Then Prahasta marched out to the
beating of drums. Evil omens presented
themselves. But he disregarded them.
Seeing the great army led by Prahasta
issuing out of the eastern gate of the
fortress, the Vanaras roared with joy and
prepared for battle.

Like moths rushing at a flame, the
Rakshasas fell on the Vanara army.
"Look," said Rama, "there comes out a
Rakshasa at the head of an enormous
army. Who is he?"

Vibhishana replied: "It is Prahasta, the
commander-in-chief of Ravana. A third of
the imperial army is his to command."
Then ensued a grim battle between the
Vanaras armed with boulders and trees
and the Rakshasa equipped with swords,
spears, bows and axes. Exchanging
showers of stones for arrows and
grappling in death grips at close quarters,
both sides fought fiercely, deluging the
field with blood.

Prahasta's followers, Narantaka,
Mahanada, Kumbhahanu and others were
opposed by Dwivida, Durmukha and
Jambavan and stain. There was a
prolonged battle between Prahasta and
Nila. At last Prahasta, armed with a
massive mace of iron rushed towards Nila.
Nila, for his part, uprooted a big boulder
and with it smashed Prahasta's head

killing him on the spot.
The Rakshasa warriors fled in all
directions. After this great victory, Nila
went to Rama, and Lakshmana and,
bowing low, told them what happened.
Rama and Lakshmana praised his prowess
and congratulated him.

Some of those who fled from the battle
carried to the Rakshasa King the news that
Nila, son of Agni, had slain Prahasta.
Ravana was beside himself with rage and
grief. "My warrior chief," he said, "who
could vanquish Indra and his host of gods,
has been killed by these Vanaras. We
cannot treat this lightly. We must destroy
Rama and the monkey host." So saying,
Ravana got into his chariot and went
forward like Rudra, the destroyer. Seated
in his radiant chariot and issuing from the
city, Ravana beheld the Vanara army and
heard their uproar which resounded like
the ocean.

Seeing a new Rakshasa army issuing
out, the Vanaras stood ready to receive
them with stones and trees in hand.
Vibhishana pointed out the Rakshasa
warriors one by one to Rama. "There
seated in the chariot and shining like the
rising sun, is Indrajit." And so he went on
from one renowned warrior to another till
he came to Ravana. "There, in the big
chariot, radiant like the sun, sits the tenheaded

Rama beheld the majestic and glowing
form with interest and pity. "A great
warrior no doubt," he said, "but he is so
wicked that he has to be slain."

Ravana attacked innumerable Vanaras
and laid them low. Nila opposed Ravana
gallantly but was felled by a fire-dart.
Hanuman attacked Ravana with violence
and the two fought an equal battle for a
while but Ravana could not be subdued
and wrought great havoc in the Vanara

There was a fight between Lakshmana
and Ravana. Lakshmana fell down
unconscious but Hanuman intervened and
carried Lakshmana away to Rama.
Then Rama, riding on Hanuman's
shoulders, gave battle to Ravana. The
Rakshasa king was sorely wounded. His
olden crown was broken. So was his
chariot. Deprived of every weapon, he
stood before Rama.

"You may go now," said Rama. "You
have fought well today. Go away and rest
and come back tomorrow, refreshed and
with weapons." And Ravana retreated
shamefacedly to the city.




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