WHEN Ravana returned humbled and
dejected, the gods rejoiced foreseeing the
speedy end of their troubles. Ravana
entered the fortress, ashamed and anxious.
After deliberating a while, he recovered
his courage and ordered his sleeping
brother Kumbhakarna to be roused.
As the result of a curse, Kumbhakarna
used to sleep for months together and he
had gone to sleep just a few days before
the events last narrated. Ravana asked his
ministers to spare no efforts to rouse
Kumbhakarna at once and get him ready
for battle.

"All my penances have proved futile. It
looks as though the prophecy of the rishis
will be fulfilled," thus said Ravana to
himself, but rooted in his determination to
fight to the last he issued orders as if he
were certain of ultimate success: "Let the
warriors guard the fortress on all sides.

My brother is sound asleep. He sleeps
blissfully, unaware of my anxiety. He will
not wake up for months together if left
alone. It is only nine days since he started
sleeping. Rouse him at once. If he wakes
up and goes to the battle, the enemy will
be surely scattered. Who can stand before
my Kumbhakarna? If he wakes up and
opposes my enemies in battle, I need have
no fear."

Ravana's officers and their servants
accordingly went to Kumbhakarna's
palace. They knew that as soon as he
opened his eyes, he would be rapaciously
hungry. So they first prepared and piled
up mountains of food for him. Then they
made a great din beating drums and
blowing conches.

Many Rakshasas exhausted themselves
pushing and shaking the huge body of the
Rakshasa. The noise that they made with
their shouts and drums and trumpets filled
the sky and frightened all the birds and
beasts of Lanka, but Kumbhakarna in his
sleep heard nothing. The Rakshasas
worked hard at rousing him. They made
elephants walk on his body. They took
cudgels and belabored him.
At last his eyelids opened slightly and
as one might brush away a mosquito while
still asleep he pushed them all aside and
yawned. Kumbhakarna was thus
disturbed in his sleep which otherwise
would have been months long.

But before be could find out the cause
for this, he began to eat and drink. The
heaps of meat and the pots of blood and
wine kept ready for him were finished.
When his hunger was somewhat mitigated
the Rakshasas approached him to acquaint
him with the situation.

Ravana's minister Yupaksha said: "My
Lord, we have been defeated in battle and
stand in grave danger. You will remember
the quarrel about Sita. The Vanaras with
Rama and Lakshmana have arrived and
are breaking through the fort. They have
slaughtered and defeated our army which
never knew defeat before. Lanka is
surrounded by the Vanara host as by an
ocean. Ravana himself went to battle but
he retired from the field having had the
worst of it. It was our good luck that he
escaped with life."

Hearing this, Kumbhakarna was beside
himself with rage. "This very instant I
shall go and destroy this enemy. I shall
kill the Vanaras and drink the blood of
Rama and Lakshmana. After finishing this
first, I shall go and wait on the king."
The ministers were delighted to hear
this furious speech but pleaded with
Kumbhakarna that he should first see the
King and take counsel with him as to what
should be done.

Kumbhakarna agreed, washed his face
and then strode in sombre majesty to the
hall of the king of Lanka.

The Rakshasas standing on the royal
highway felt new courage and joy as they
saw him pass and bowed low before him
and showered flowers on him. He entered
the palace and stood in the presence of
Ravana. Rejoicing at the arrival of his
peerless brother, Ravana stepped down
from his throne and embraced him.
"What can I do for you, brother?"
asked Kumbhakarna. "Why did you get
my sleep broken? What makes you afraid?
Tell me who is tired of life and wants to
be turned into a corpse!"

"Brother! You do not know what has
happened," said Ravana. "You were lost
in sleep. The man Rama has become a real
menace to me. He has built a dam across
the sea we considered inviolate and now
the Vanara army surrounds Lanka like
another sea. Our warriors who sortied out
and met them have been defeated and
almost annihilated. It is for you now to
save us from destruction and I know you
can do it. You have put the gods to rout. I
know your love for me. I know your
keenness and your courage in battle. Go at
once and annihilate these enemies and
help us in our need and save Lanka."
Kumbhakarna, when he heard Ravana's
words of anxiety, was moved at first to
fury against the enemy but soon he
remembered the whole story and Ravana's
vainglorious confidence in his
invincibility and that made him smile a
little bitterly.

He said: "Excuse me, my brother. The
warning we gave you when you consulted
us went unheeded. Our fears have come
true. You rejected the good advice we
gave you . Now you suffer the
consequences of your error and your sin.
You brought away Sita. What else can
happen when, driven by lust, one acts
without thinking. If you so desired, and
you had the confidence and strength, it
would have been wise first to have slain
Rama and Lakshmana and then seized her.

You have done things without due thought
and in the wrong order. When one acts
without seeking or regarding the advice of
wise and faithful friends and kinsmen, it is
no wonder if he runs into danger and ruin.
Did you not know that these things must
follow? Should not a king understand who
gives him good advice and who bad?"
Ravana did not like all this lecturing.

He had no use now for lessons in ethics or
politics. His face flushed with anger but
he controlled himself and said: "Brother!
The time is now past for such talk. What I
need now is not your criticism but your
prowess. What is done has been done and
it is useless discussing whether it was just
or unjust, wise or unwise. The question
now is what we should do in our present
predicament. It is your duty now to use
your strength and skill and ward off the
present disasters resulting from past
errors. He is a true friend and a true
kinsman who helps one out of the trouble
that has been brought on oneself, maybe
because of folly. If indeed you care for
me, the time is now to show it by helping
me instead of commenting on my conduct.
I depend on your strength and prowess.
Out of your infinite courage, give me

Kumbhakarna was moved by this
appeal. "Have no more care," he said. "I
am your brother and can never forsake
you. Rest assured that Rama and
Lakshmana are dead. I shall scatter and
slay their monkey army. I shall fling at
your feet the head of Rama and you shall
see the Vanara King's blood flowing on
the battlefield. Rama can only approach
you, if he does, over my dead body and
that is not possible, for no one can
vanquish or slay me."

Kumbhakarna's pride swelled. "No
matter who the enemy is," be cried, "I
shall destroy him. Be he Yama or Surya or
Agni, I shall eat them all up." In this
mood he rushed out to the field of battle.
The sudden waking from deep slumber
had completely upset his temper, but
when his consuming hunger and thirst had
been appeased, he had recovered his
balance and spoke wisdom to Ravana.
Again seeing Ravana's plight, fraternal
affection and pity made him forget
everything else.

Ravana was pleased. "O my true
warrior! O my brother! What a friend in
need I have in Kumbhakarna!" he
exclaimed, confident that Kumbhakarna
would return triumphant and he now felt
like one recovering from a mortal

Kumbhakarna armed with his great
spear was about to go to battle alone, but
Ravana stopped him and sent an army to
aid him. He covered his brother's big body
with jewels and garments and blessed him
saving: "Go, my hero! Destroy the
enemies and return victorious."

Tall and mighty-limbed Kumbhakarna,
covered with shining jewels, was radiant
like Trivikrama himself. He
circumambulated his brother, bowed and
marched out spear in hand at the head of a
great army, amidst the plaudits of the
Rakshasas, and under a shower of flowers
and good wishes.

As the huge form of Kumbhakarna, a
giant even among the Rakshasas, was seen
stepping across the fortress-wall like
Yama at the end of Time or some great
natural cataclysm, the Vanaras were
frightened and started fleeing in all
directions. With great difficulty their
chiefs rallied them and put them in battle




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