Ramayanam : "Tattvam" -6.


 Now Surpanakha appears and shows all her lustful gestures to attract Rama. But Rama becomes conscious about the situation and he could foresee the consequences.  Today’s world is lacking this foresight and falls into all kinds of traps. Human mind has a choice – to choose either Preyas or Shreyas. Preyas represents the tempting pleasures, power and position. Shreyas is the long lasting dignity and honour.

     Finally Surpanakha failed, a tempting trap can not disrupt the mind of a real Sadhak. Rama succeeds by the thoughts of His unshaken mind. Hence the harmony and peace of the family remain united. Love is not to fall, but rise above all sensual emotions.  Ask yourself, “really true love exists? The interference of various Surpanakhas try to shake our true love. Are we successful in handling them? “

How many families are suffering now because of their hypocritical love?

    Evil minds are so well equipped and planned to carry out their mission. Their one pointed motive always finds fulfillment. But they never realize that the temporary happiness that they get through this operation will take them into a permanent, miserable life. The short lived happiness dies out very soon and gives way to regret.

Swami Udit Chaithanya


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