Samkshepa Ramayanam 1.1: Translated by P.R.Ramachander



Saturday, 22 Jul 2023 05:30.

Chapter 1. Valmiki Ramayana - 1.


The Samkshepa Ramayanam is the first chapter of Valmiki Ramayana. In this chapter Valmiki, looking to write an epic asks Narada Muni for a topic. Narada tells him to write about Rama and explains to him in brief the story of Rama.

The great sage Valmiki asked Sage Narada who always is busy in meditation and mastering the Vedas and who is the greatest among people who knows Vedas[1]., 1

Who exists at present in this world who has all good qualities, who is valorous, who is the one devoted to just action, who is grateful and who tells only truth in all circumstances., 2

Who is that man who has all the good characters, who does only good to all animals, who is extremely knowledgeable, who is capable of doing rightly all actions and who only shows love outside., 3

Who is that man who attracts minds of others, who has won over his anger, who is sparkling, who does not have jealousy and who in war even makes devas fear struck?4

I am extremely anxious to know about such a person. Hey, sage, only you are capable of telling me about a man with all these qualities., 5

Sage Narada who knows every thing that happens in all the three worlds, after hearing all the words of Valmiki, with happiness addressed Valmiki and started telling Be pleased to hear., 6

Those characteristics that you have narrated are very many and very rare. I would think over and tell you about a man who has all these qualities., 7

There is a prince, who is born in the Ikshuvaku clan, who is called Rama:, who is famous among people, who keeps his mind under control, who is a great hero, who is shining, who is firm in his resolves and who attracts others., 8

He is knowledgeable, just, good orator, gentleman, killer of his enemies, having thick shoulders and long hands, who has conch like neck and who has pretty cheeks., 9

He has a broad chest, is a great archer, has hidden shoulder bones, suppresses his enemies, and has long hands, good head, handsome forehead and pretty gait., 10

He has proportionate height and other organs, he has equally divided organs, he is of black colour, he is famous, he has a thick chest, broad eyes and pretty body and is a symbol of good omen., 11

He knows Dharma(just action), he has taken an oath to speak truth, he is interested in the welfare of his people, he is famous, he knows everything, he is pure, he is approachable to those who depend on him, he takes care in saving people who are dependent on him, he is equal to the god Brahma, he is wealthy, he is capable of protecting everyone and he can destroy his enemies., 12

He protects all animals, he protects the various castes, he observes his own dharma(just action) and he protects his own people., 13

He knows the essence of four Vedas and six Vedangas, he has great knowledge of the science of archery, he has great and minute knowledge of all sciences, he has clear understanding of everything and he quickly understands things., 14

He is dear to all the world, soft natured, capable and is attained by good people similar to the rivers like Sindhu attaining the sea., 15

He is fit to be worshipped, treats every one as equals, always appears as lovable, increases the happiness of Kausalya and is one with all good qualities., 16

He is immense in stature like the ocean, he is great in his courage like the Himalaya Mountains, he is as valorous like Lord Vishnu, and as pleasant to see as the full moon., 17

His anger is like the fire at the time of deluge, his patience is like mother earth, his sacrifice is equal to that of Kubhera and in his truthfulness he is like the God of death[2]., 18

The king Dasaratha with a loving wish to do good to the people wanted to make Rama who has all the above qualities, who is a great hero, who has all sterling qualities, who wanted to do good to his people, who is a dear and who is eldest son, as the future king[3]., 19-20

Hearing about the various preparations for his coronation, Dasaratha’s wife Kaikeyi reminded him of the two boons[4] he had given her and requested that Rama should be sent to the forest and that Bharatha should be crowned., 21

That king Dasaratha bound by justice to obey his promise. ordered his son Rama to go and live in the forest., 22

Because of the order of his father and love towards Kaikeyi that valorous Rama went to the forest to protect the truth., 23

It seems that Lakshmana who is humility personified, who increases the happiness of Sumithra, who is a dear brother, and who does good to his brother, exhibiting affection towards his brother, accompanied his brother who was going to the forest., 24

That Sita, who is the darling wife of Rama, who is a reflection of his soul, who does happy deeds to him, who was born in the family of Janaka, who was created by the illusion of Gods, who is the epitome of perfection and who is the greatest among women, accompanied Rama like Rohini accompanies the moon God. 25-26


To be continued



1.Sage Narada is the son of Brahma and a great devotee of Vishnu. He is a constant traveler and travels through all the worlds. It is believed that he creates tension so that good will result.

 Yama the God of death is supposed to be the epitome of Dharma

 the crown prince was appointed as Yuva Raja (the young king) when he was eligible to become king after the current king

 Dasaratha gave these two boons during a war in which when the axle of his chariot broke, Kaikeyi who was with him maintained the balance using her thumb

 But in the main book, it is mentioned that Lakshmana disfigured her

 In the main story the killing of Jatayu was after the abduction

 Nala was the son of the deva architect Viswa Karma

Contributors to this article

Krishna Maheshwari, P.R.Ramachander



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