Samkshepa Ramayanam 1.3: Translated by P.R.Ramachander



Saturday, 16 Sep 2023 05:30.

Chapter 1. Valmiki Ramayana - 3.


Rama who was very strong killed that Rakshasa and also cremated him. That rakshasa went to heaven., 54

Then that Rakshasa stood for some time in the sky and advised Rama to contact Sabari who was knowledgeable of Dharma . who was following its percepts and who had renounced the world., 55

That resplendent one who killed his foes went and saw Sabari and she duly worshipped Rama, the son of Dasaratha ., 56

Then he was seen by the monkey Hanuman on the shores of river Pampa . As per the advice of Hanuman he signed a treaty with Sugreeva., 57

That very strong Rama related his story from the beginning especially the part which happened to Sita to Sugreeva., 58

That monkey Sugreeva after hearing everything, signedwith pleasure the treaty with fire as witness., 59

Afterwards that sorrowful king of monkeys told with love towards Rama, about his enmity with Bali and other news., 60

At that time Sugreeva specially told about the strength of Bali and Rama promised that he would kill Bali., 61

But Sugreeva had doubts about Rama’s prowess to kill Bali. 62

He showed him the mountain like skeleton of the Asura Dundhbhi who was killed by Bali, so that he could gain more confidence in Rama., 63

That very strong Rama who had long hands which reached his thighs, examined the huge skeleton and using his thumb of the right foot threw the skeleton for a distance of ten yojanas without any effort., 64

Not only that with a single arrow he split into two, the seven Sala trees and also the nearby mountain and the underworld., 65

Convinced by these actions, the monkey chief who had a happy frame of mind took him to the cave called Kishkinda., 66

Then that monkey chief Sugreeva who had a colour similar to gold roared and hearing that huge sound the king of monkeys Bali came out., 67

After consoling Tara ( that Rama will not kill an innocent one) when he fought with Sugreeva, Raghava killed him with one single arrow., 68

After killing Bali as per the wishes of Sugreeva, Raghava made Sugreeva the king of that kingdom., 69

That king of monkeys Sugreeva called all monkeys and send them to different directions to locate Sita., 70


To be continued



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